For example, you play the game on Thursday, just skip to the next day which is Friday to obtain free spin slots. Spinning the slot machine costs 1 spin each time once you start (bet 1x is activated). The gameplay is simple: spin the Slots machine to perform an action. The Shield is used to protect your base from enemy attacks. Higher level Chests also have lower odds of dropping low level cards than low level Chests, so if you’re looking for a particular 1-, 2-, or 3-star card to complete a Card Collection, you’ll want to spend Coins on lower level Chests. Attacking a building nets you a Coin reward and reduces the star level of the attacked building. It will dig in the 4th hole which results in additional coins. First, you can use your Rhino to block attacks. Shields That means you should wait ten hours at most if you want to optimize for maximum spins. There are several locations in the Village that you can dig up (marked by large X’s). If you do not have it, just create it immediately to claim all the great reward. Before we end it, do not forget to visit Coin Master reviewto see amazing features of the game. This is a perfectly viable way of accelerating your Coin earnings. In total you can send and receive 100 spins. When a Raid begins, you’re taken to your Coin Master’s Village. If you have a lot of friends this can add up very quickly. The mini-games use score system. These groups also post helpful info and can be seen as another resource for a coin master guide. Pig Face
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